Rights of Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles in Chester County

A female pedestrian sitting on the road and clutching her leg in front of a car and it's driver. An accident that can be grounds for pedestrian accident claims.

Pedestrian accidents involving vehicles are a significant concern in Chester County. These incidents often result in severe injuries or fatalities due to the vulnerability of pedestrians compared to drivers protected by their vehicles thus resulting to pedestrian accident claims . Understanding the prevalence and circumstances of these accidents is crucial for fostering safer roads and protecting pedestrians.

Understanding pedestrian rights is vital for both pedestrians and drivers. Knowledge of these rights helps pedestrians protect themselves and seek justice through pedestrian accident claims. For drivers, it underscores the importance of adhering to traffic laws to avoid accidents and legal consequences. Both groups benefit from increased awareness, leading to safer interactions on the road.

The Legal Framework for Pedestrian Rights

A lot of pedestrians crossing the road.

In Pennsylvania, pedestrians have specific rights and protections under the law. They are entitled to use crosswalks and intersections safely, and drivers must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing at designated crosswalks or intersections. These laws aim to ensure pedestrians can navigate roadways safely and drivers are aware of their responsibilities.

Drivers owe a duty of care to pedestrians, meaning they must operate their vehicles with reasonable caution to avoid accidents. This includes observing speed limits, obeying traffic signals, and being vigilant in areas where pedestrians are likely to be present. Failure to uphold this duty can result in legal liability, and pedestrian accident claims for any injuries caused.

Responsibilities of Drivers

Back view of a male driver who is focused on the road ahead.

1. Obligations to Yield to Pedestrians at Crosswalks

Drivers are legally obligated to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked. This means stopping for pedestrians crossing the road and not proceeding until the pedestrian has safely crossed. Ignoring this obligation can lead to severe consequences, both for the pedestrian’s safety and the driver’s legal standing.

2. Requirements for Exercising Caution in Areas with Pedestrian Traffic

Drivers must exercise heightened caution in areas with high pedestrian traffic, such as school zones, residential neighborhoods, and downtown areas. This includes reducing speed, being prepared to stop suddenly, and paying extra attention to pedestrians who may enter the roadway unexpectedly.

Pedestrian Accident Claims and Other Consequences for Violating Pedestrian Rights

Drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians can face significant legal and personal repercussions, which emphasize the importance of respecting pedestrian rights and driving responsibly. Key consequences include:

  • Fines: Monetary penalties that vary depending on the severity of the violation and local laws.
  • Points on Driving Record: Accumulating points can lead to increased insurance premiums and potential suspension of driving privileges.
  • Criminal Charges: In cases where negligence results in serious injury or death, drivers may face charges such as reckless driving or vehicular manslaughter.

Pedestrians also have responsibilities and can bear some liability if they disregard traffic laws, impacting their legal standing in accidents:

  • Crossing Outside Crosswalks: If a pedestrian crosses the street outside of designated crosswalks or against traffic signals, they may be found partially or fully at fault in an accident.
  • Impact on Personal Injury Claims: Pedestrians found at fault may have their ability to recover damages in a personal injury claim reduced or denied, depending on the degree of their responsibility in the incident.

Understanding these consequences helps highlight the shared responsibility of both drivers and pedestrians in ensuring road safety.

Determining Fault in Pedestrian-Vehicle Collisions

A biker lying down on the street with his bicycle beside him after being hit by the car behind.

Determining fault in pedestrian-vehicle collisions is a complex process that requires careful examination of numerous factors. Investigators must assess the actions and behaviors of both the driver and the pedestrian, as well as the environmental conditions at the time of the accident. By considering all these elements, a clear and fair determination of fault can be achieved and pedestrian accident claims can be pursued.

Factors Considered in Determining Fault

Determining fault in pedestrian-vehicle collisions involves a thorough investigation of various factors to understand the circumstances leading to the accident. Key considerations include:

  • Speed of the Vehicle: Investigators assess whether the driver was adhering to speed limits or driving too fast for the conditions.
  • Visibility Conditions: Examinations consider factors such as poor lighting, weather conditions, and obstructions that may have impaired the visibility of the driver or pedestrian.
  • Pedestrian Behavior: We examine factors such as poor lighting, weather conditions, and obstructions that may have impaired visibility for both the driver and the pedestrian.
  • Driver Conduct: We also scrutinize whether the driver was distracted, impaired, or failing to yield the right of way to the pedestrian.

Role of Eyewitness Testimony and Evidence in Establishing Fault

Eyewitness testimony and physical evidence are pivotal in determining fault in pedestrian-vehicle collisions. These elements help paint a clear picture of the incident and reinforce the victim’s pedestrian accident claims:

  • Eyewitness Testimony: Reliable accounts from witnesses can corroborate details about the events leading up to the collision, providing crucial context and clarity.
  • Traffic Camera Footage: Video evidence from nearby traffic cameras can capture the accident in real-time, offering indisputable evidence of the actions of both the driver and the pedestrian.
  • Accident Scene Photos: Photographs taken at the scene help document the positions of the vehicles, the pedestrian, and any relevant road signs or signals, aiding in the reconstruction of the incident.
  • Physical Evidence: This includes skid marks, vehicle damage, and the location of impact, all of which contribute to understanding how the collision occurred and who may be at fault.

These investigative tools and factors together provide a comprehensive basis for determining liability in pedestrian-vehicle collisions.

Legal Recourse for Injured Pedestrians Seeking Pedestrian Accident Claims

A judge hitting the block with a gavel.

Options for Seeking Compensation for Medical Expenses and Other Damages

Injured pedestrians have several options for seeking compensation, including filing claims against the negligent driver’s insurance policy. Compensation can cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help navigate the claims process and maximize recovery.

Process for Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against a Negligent Driver

Filing a personal injury claim involves several steps:

  • Gathering evidence.
  • Documenting injuries and damages.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies.

The pedestrian may initiate a lawsuit if a fair settlement is not reached. Legal representation plays a crucial role throughout this process to ensure the protection of the injured party’s rights.

Pedestrian Accident Claims and Representation in Chester County by HoeyLegal

In Chester County, both pedestrians and drivers have specific rights and responsibilities designed to promote safety and prevent accidents. Pedestrians have the right to use crosswalks, and drivers must yield to them while exercising caution and adhering to traffic laws.

Ready to protect your rights as a pedestrian in Chester County? Learn about your legal protections and what to do if you’re involved in a pedestrian accident. Stay informed, stay safe, and reach out to HoeyLegal for expert guidance and representation. Your safety matters.

Distracted Driving

Pennsylvania defines distracted driving as “an activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving.” Drivers have to focus on driving, so they can react to the information on the road, such as road conditions, hazards and other drivers. Distracted drivers do not react appropriately and thus put others at risk for severe injury or death. Examples of distractions, besides using cell phones and texting, include drinking, eating, adjusting the radio, adjusting climate controls, adjusting seats, combing hair, putting on make-up, daydreaming, reaching for dropped items, engaging in heavy conversations, and focusing on events outside of the car.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence typically refers to alcohol use, but drug use can also impair drivers and cause severe car accidents.  In either situation, enjoying cocktails at happy hour, celebrating with drugs or alcohol, drinking too much wine for dinner and unwinding after a long week at work results in too many motorists driving under the influence.  Controlled substances impact each person differently, making it common for someone to misjudge his or her level of impairment.  These poor judgments can lead to severe and sometimes fatal car accidents.

Driver Fatigue

Driving without enough sleep is commonplace for many in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and across the nation. Truck drivers, shift workers, and those with sleep disorders are most vulnerable to causing an accident because they are drowsy or fatigued. Not having enough rest slows down reaction time and impairs the senses. In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) claims that eighteen (18) hours without sleep impairs a driver to the same extent as someone who has a 0.08 blood or breath alcohol concentration after consuming alcohol.


The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that one-third of all car accidents involve speeding. Drivers who rush, run late, or simply lack patience may choose to speed when they get behind the wheel. Speeding makes it more likely that a driver will lose control of his or her vehicle and makes it more difficult to react to road hazards and other vehicles. Speeding also increases the impact of a car accident and makes it far less likely that a negligent driver may maintain control of his vehicle sufficient to prevent a collision. High speed car accidents make it far more likely that those involved will suffer severe injuries or death.


At HoeyLegal, we know from our litigation experience that tractor-trailer drivers often operate at least one cellular phone which is in use at, during, or immediately prior to a tractor-trailer accident. Additionally, most tractor-trailers are equipped with data recorders which capture, in real-time, important vehicle operation events including speed, hard braking and other evasive maneuvers taken by the operator and the tractor-trailer.  It is imperative that this evidence be obtained before it is destroyed.  At HoeyLegal, our trial attorneys will obtain any necessary court order to preserve this evidence for trial.


Oftentimes, there are several defendants responsible for the tractor-trailer accident. In most cases, at least two defendants are responsible for the ownership and operation of the tractor-trailer.  There may be additional defendants responsible for the hiring and retention of the tractor-trailer driver.  At HoeyLegal, our investigators will promptly identify the responsible defendants and immediately request the preservation of all evidence related to the hiring and retention of the driver, inspection of the vehicles and the supervision and drug/alcohol testing of the vehicle operator.


Our accident investigators include mechanics who will immediately respond to the accident site and the location where the truck has been impounded in order to photograph the truck and conduct necessary mechanical inspections of the vehicle. In the event that a court order is necessary to examine and inspect the trucks, HoeyLegal Attorneys will promptly file the necessary motions to enable the HoeyLegal mechanics and inspectors to conduct a prompt evaluation of the mechanical function of the at-fault tractor-trailer


Our expert accident investigators include former Pennsylvania State Police accident investigators and nationally recognized engineers who will carefully photograph the accident scene and conduct all necessary measurements of skid marks, yaw marks, displacement of debris and thoroughly examine the accident site to preserve all evidence for the time of trial.


Our investigators will promptly interview and record all witnesses that observed the accident and collect all biographical information from the witnesses so they will available to testify on your behalf at trial.

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