Chester County Halloween—Avoiding Injuries and Death
Avoiding Injuries and Death On Halloween Ghosts, goblins, and fun exist on Halloween in Chester County. With a higher-than-average population of children five years of age and older, plus a higher population of those in their teen years, Chester County celebrates Halloween in many ways. The statistics compiled were by the US Census Bureau in 2022. The […]
Debilitating Injuries in Football & Proving Negligence
Debilitating Injuries in Football & Negligence Fall is quickly approaching in Chester County and, of course, all of PA. Nothing screams “Fall” more than football, and PA is rife with football fanatics as it is part of the state culture. All types of football practices began in the summer, and all manner of football leagues […]
Premises Liability in Schools—Duty of Care
Premises Liability in Schools & Duty of Care The school bells are ringing yet again in Chester County, PA, as they are throughout the state of PA. The first week of school brings both excitement and trepidation for parents, teachers, and students. What many parents and students do not realize is that much goes on […]
Medical Malpractice & Negligence in Chester County
Medical Malpractice & Burden of Proof Standards Medical malpractice or negligence is the third leading cause of death in the US. This includes PA, of course, and Chester County, as many large teaching hospitals and physicians practice in PA and are established medical providers. In a study commissioned by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), John […]
Duty of Care for Minors
Duty of Care– Exemptions for Minors Most medical professionals and institutions do their best to provide the minimum Duty of Care necessary, especially when dealing with children and teens. Although it might pay well, medicine involves many years of study, and most medical professionals possess altruistic qualities. There are times, however, when exemptions to providing […]
Dental Malpractice
Dental Malpractice and Negligence Facts Good dental hygiene is important in eliminating many serious types of dental issues. It is not possible, however, to eliminate all problems, and some are serious enough to require dental surgery. Many dental practices exist in Chester County and surrounding areas, as shown on Yelp. It is apparent that with so […]
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Injuries in the Summer
Brain and Spinal Injuries In Pennsylvania, the summertime can be known as the “season of freedom.” Pools, lakes, waterparks, theme parks, and other outdoor activities are prolific. Everyone engages relentlessly in these as winters can be very dull and dim. Even individuals that live closer to mountains can get on dirt bikes for adventure. The […]
Chester County Back Injury Claims
Herniated Disks and Back Injury Claims A herniated disk is a type of back injury; These are also referred to many times as “bulging disks” as the nerves around the disk sac become irritated and cause pain. Spines comprise a nucleus and are encased in an annulus, which is the harder exterior. Herniated disks many […]
Testimony-Civil or Criminal Hearings
Proper Testimony For Civil or Criminal Hearings The law is a complex matter. No matter how compliant an individual is, there may be times when incidences happen, whether civil or criminal. A great attorney is needed whether an individual is a plaintiff or a defendant. The old adage, “The person who acts as their own […]
Civil Defense VS Criminal Defense
Civil Defense VS Criminal Defense in 2023 The majority of criminal cases that are truly malicious in nature are actually quite small. Certainly, there will always be what the Judicial System calls “bad actors.” The majority, however, are simply crimes of passion, oversight, or bad judgment. The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data, as of 2023, tracks […]