Understanding Post-Surgery Complications and Legal Ramifications

A group of doctors surrounding a patient and observing for post-surgery complications.

Surgery, whether elective or emergency, involves significant risks that can impact a patient’s health and well-being. When surgical or post-surgery complications occur, they not only affect a patient’s health but can also lead to significant legal implications. Patients must understand their rights and the potential for legal recourse if they believe that medical negligence played […]

Picking HoeyLegal For Your Medical Malpractice Case in Chester County PA

Medical malpractice lawyer Chester County PA. For a medical malpractice event where a medical professional failed to give proper care.

In the vast and complex world of legal matters, few things are as challenging and emotionally taxing as navigating a medical malpractice case. Choosing the right legal representation becomes crucial when facing such a daunting situation. In Chester County, Pennsylvania, one firm stands out among the rest. With its unwavering dedication, extensive experience, and proven […]

Medical Malpractice & Negligence in Chester County

Medical Malpractice attorney

Medical Malpractice & Burden of Proof Standards Medical malpractice or negligence is the third leading cause of death in the US. This includes PA, of course, and Chester County, as many large teaching hospitals and physicians practice in PA and are established medical providers. In a study commissioned by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), John […]

Duty of Care for Minors 

Duty of care, exemption of minors

Duty of Care– Exemptions for Minors Most medical professionals and institutions do their best to provide the minimum Duty of Care necessary, especially when dealing with children and teens. Although it might pay well, medicine involves many years of study, and most medical professionals possess altruistic qualities.  There are times, however, when exemptions to providing […]

Staff Shortages In Hospitals and Nursing Homes

nursing home in chester county

 Staff Shortages In Hospitals & Nursing Homes The period between 2020 and 2023 led to staff shortages in all industries. However, the most critical industries were hurt the most nationwide, including PA. Hospitals, nursing facilities, and even personal care homes bore much of the brunt.  According to Oracle.com, which tracks healthcare trends, it is now a […]

Delayed Diagnosis of Heart Attack

heart attack

 Facts on Delayed Diagnosis of Heart Attack  Heart attacks occur all year round nationwide. However, they are prevalent in the winter in most parts of Pennsylvania. The snow and ice removal that is necessary for this part of the country does put a strain on an already weak or impaired heart. Age also makes a […]

Medical Malpractice Guide

Medical malpractice

     Medical Malpractice Claims—An Informative Guide Most individuals are not aware that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the USA. According to the latest data on deaths by medical error, approximately 250,000 deaths occur annually. Add to that the cost of errors that result in disability and loss of income and […]