Motor Vehicle Accident On New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve—Motor Vehicle Accident Facts Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of death and serious injury all year. However, New Year’s Eve and even New Year’s Day can see an increase in fatalities and debilitating lifelong

Delayed Diagnosis of Heart Attack
Facts on Delayed Diagnosis of Heart Attack Heart attacks occur all year round nationwide. However, they are prevalent in the winter in most parts of Pennsylvania. The snow and ice removal that is necessary for this part of the country

Delaying Stroke Diagnosis
Delaying Stroke Diagnosis—The Impacts A stroke can strike anyone at any time. Although certain age groups are more prone to this, such as those over the age of 55, even young individuals can suffer a stroke, and it can occur

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Nursing Home Abuse A standard of care must be followed to the letter when a loved one resides in a nursing facility, a long-term rehab center, or even a personal care facility. Personal care facilities, in general, are less structured

Catastrophic Injury Representation
Catastrophic Brain Injury Representation Although catastrophic brain injuries are not one of the most common injuries, the consequences can be more deadly, and longer-lasting. Catastrophic brain injuries are also called Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) within the medical community. While some

Trucking Accidents – Facts and Responses
Trucking Accidents – Facts and Responses After Crash The highways in the USA, as everyone knows, are crowded. For most individuals who commute daily, it is apparent that many vehicles on the roadways are “big rigs” or commercial trucking vehicles.

Criminal Charges Demand Best Defense Attorney
All Criminal Charges Demand the Very Best Defense Attorney While all cases, both civil and criminal, should have the finest attorney possible, criminal defense is unlike civil defense. The stakes, quite frankly, are much higher, as depending upon the charges,

Crime Victims Representation
Crime Victim Legal Representation The Realities and Procedures Of all the crimes committed a violent act upon an individual whether with a weapon or via a vehicle when an operator of a vehicle is under the influence of drugs

Medical Malpractice Guide
Medical Malpractice Claims—An Informative Guide Most individuals are not aware that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the USA. According to the latest data on deaths by medical error, approximately 250,000 deaths occur annually. Add