Chester County Halloween—Avoiding Injuries and Death

Chester County Halloween—Avoiding Injuries and Death

 Avoiding Injuries and Death On Halloween Ghosts, goblins, and fun exist on Halloween in Chester County. With a higher-than-average population of children five years of age and older, plus a higher population of those in their teen years, Chester County celebrates Halloween in many ways. The statistics compiled were by the US Census Bureau in 2022. The […]

Debilitating Injuries in Football & Proving Negligence

Football injury

Debilitating Injuries in Football & Negligence Fall is quickly approaching in Chester County and, of course, all of PA. Nothing screams “Fall” more than football, and PA is rife with football fanatics as it is part of the state culture.   All types of football practices began in the summer, and all manner of football leagues […]

Traumatic Brain and Spinal Injuries in the Summer

Brain injury

Brain and Spinal Injuries In Pennsylvania, the summertime can be known as the “season of freedom.” Pools, lakes, waterparks, theme parks, and other outdoor activities are prolific. Everyone engages relentlessly in these as winters can be very dull and dim. Even individuals that live closer to mountains can get on dirt bikes for adventure. The […]

Delaying Stroke Diagnosis

personal injury lawyer in Paoli

Delaying Stroke Diagnosis—The Impacts A stroke can strike anyone at any time. Although certain age groups are more prone to this, such as those over the age of 55, even young individuals can suffer a stroke, and it can occur in children, newborns, and even prenatally. This is well documented by the American Stroke Association.  The […]

Catastrophic Injury Representation

Catastrophic Brain Injury

Catastrophic Brain Injury Representation Although catastrophic brain injuries are not one of the most common injuries, the consequences can be more deadly, and longer-lasting. Catastrophic brain injuries are also called Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) within the medical community. While some can be less severe than others, the occurrence of these injuries and compensation should be […]