Chester County Back Injury Claims
Herniated Disks and Back Injury Claims A herniated disk is a type of back injury; These are also referred to many times as “bulging disks” as the nerves around the disk sac become irritated and cause pain. Spines comprise a

Testimony-Civil or Criminal Hearings
Proper Testimony For Civil or Criminal Hearings The law is a complex matter. No matter how compliant an individual is, there may be times when incidences happen, whether civil or criminal. A great attorney is needed whether an individual is

Civil Defense VS Criminal Defense
Civil Defense VS Criminal Defense in 2023 The majority of criminal cases that are truly malicious in nature are actually quite small. Certainly, there will always be what the Judicial System calls “bad actors.” The majority, however, are simply crimes

Drug Overdoses Increasing in PA
Drug Overdoses in Chester County Pennsylvania It is a harsh reality, but drug overdoses have increased nationwide since late 2022 and now into 2023. Unfortunately, the state of Pennsylvania has not been immune to this scourge. The overdoses have led

Criminal Injury & Negligence Case Law
Criminal Injury/Negligence Case Law Facts 2023 While Pennsylvania is a relatively safe state, criminal occurrences have been increasing. Unfortunately, this is because since Covid lockdowns occurred, and many of the populace suffered financial hardships, drug and alcohol abuse has increased,

Staff Shortages In Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Staff Shortages In Hospitals & Nursing Homes The period between 2020 and 2023 led to staff shortages in all industries. However, the most critical industries were hurt the most nationwide, including PA. Hospitals, nursing facilities, and even personal care homes

Car Accidents In The Winter
Winter Automobile Accidents Spike in PA Automobile accidents occur all year long throughout the US. The state of PA, however, can see a definite surge in accidents in the winter months. Being mountainous and northern, PA has many winter weather

Slip and Fall Accidents
Winter-The “Slip and Fall” Season! Although there is always a chance of a slip and fall, the winter season in Pennsylvania increases the risk. It goes without saying that all Pennsylvanians know that the sidewalks and streets are snow and

DUI Law and Facts
DUI Facts to Remember During the Holidays The holiday season throughout the USA is one of the most festive. It can also be a food and alcohol-laden holiday, though. Parties abound, and many individuals do not realize how much alcohol